
Am 20.08.23 um 13:05 schrieb Aivaras Stepukonis:
2023-08-20 13:51, Matthias Seidel rašė:
The product *is* Apache OpenOffice.
Thank you for correcting me! That is the answer, then. (There must have been a historical change that slipped my view. We still have some places in the code where it is just “OpenOffice.”)

Apache OpenOffice is FULLPRODUCTNAME.



2023-08-20 13:51, Matthias Seidel rašė:
Personally, I think we have much more important things to do than discussing about a logo change...
I don’t think we need to approach light-weight tasks as this one in either/or terms. Otherwise, agreed, it is a minor question.
Pagarbiai / Sincerely,
📧 Aivaras Stepukonis <mailto:astepuko...@gmail.com>

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