On Thu, Apr 4, 2024 at 9:52 PM Pedro Lino <pedro.l...@mailbox.org.invalid>

> Hi Damjan
> Thank you for the reply, the macro and detailed instructions!
> > On 04/04/2024 5:37 PM WEST Damjan Jovanovic <dam...@apache.org> wrote:
> >
> > To get further details:
> >
> > Open the attached "Logging macros" file (we allow attachments on this
> list, right?).
> > Allow macros when prompted.
> > Tools -> Macros -> Run macro, under "Logging macros.ods" expand
> "Standard", select "logging", on the right side select
> "LogWebDavToConsole", and click "Run".
> > Exit OpenOffice.
> > Start OpenOffice from the command line, with output redirected to a
> file, eg:
> > soffice 2>&1 | tee ~/webdav-log.txt
> > Make your WebDav connection. If you used the above command, the command
> line window can be placed side-by-side with OpenOffice, and you can watch
> the logging interactively.
> > When it fails, exit OpenOffice, and attach ~/webdav-log.txt to your
> reply email, after removing any sensitive info (eg. passwords) from the log.
> >
> After installing canberra-gtk-module the only line I get in the log is
> ** (soffice:12094): WARNING **: 22:36:39.392: Unknown type: GailWindow
> which apparently is a long know message, and nothing else.
> The message "Nonexistent object. Nonexistent file" pops up but it is not
> registered in the log.
OpenOffice has several logging methods, and third-party libraries can also
log. That message apparently came from another logging method, not our one,
because our one has a different format.

> Any ideas? Could this simply be a kernel issue since it works correctly in
> Ubuntu 22.04?

- Make sure you run "LogWebDavToConsole" and not one of the other macros.
- You need to test a recent version of trunk, not an older version of
OpenOffice, because we only added that logging method to trunk in May 2022.
- When you run "soffice" from the command line, are you sure the right
version of OpenOffice is being run, the same version you ran that macro in?

On *nix, "internal" OpenSSL is linked statically, and it shouldn't matter
whether it is installed by your distribution or what version is installed.
"System" OpenSSL (configure --with-system-openssl) is linked dynamically. I
think we use "internal" OpenSSL for the Linux binaries.

After trying a WebDav connection, find the process ID (PID) of OpenOffice,
copy /proc/PID/maps somewhere (eg. for PID 1234, run "cp /proc/1234/maps
~/openoffice-maps.txt") and attach that copy, so we can see what libraries
are loaded.

> Thanks!
> Best,
> Pedro

Good luck

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