Hallo Frank,

> For now, this basically only implies that the "New database" entries are
> removed from various places, including the ones you mentioned.
> Additionally, the data source browser (F4) is removed,

I've just tested m118 without Base and I like the feature set. I
especially like the reduced Base dialog that allows the user to edit
existing databases and to use existing queries but does not allow
saving to another file, creating new tables or queries etc.
>From the POV of our policy this seems even more useful than having no
Base UI at all, because that way users can still work with existing
databases provided by the admin but can not create their own.
I also like that the Mail Merge wizard still exists and the
Insert/Fields/Other.../Database tab still works.

> and you cannot
> open DB files from the File|Open dialog. See [1] for details.

Well, in m118 you can open them with File/Open, but there's not filter
for odb files, you have to use "All Files".

> If you only want to remove the menu entries, but not the DSB - Hmm. Not
> sure if this is possible, other people might know more about it.

In m118 the DSB can still be invoked programmtically with the code you
helped me write recently. So we can provide our own macro and button
to open it and it's not really a problem that it's gone.

> Removing things like the database registration (Tools|Options|Databases)
> is not possible ATM. 

That was just an idea. As long as users are more or less prevented
from creating their own databases, it doesn't hurt if they have UI to
register them.

> > And maybe there's a way to disable the Base GUI completely?
> None except disabling it in the setup, with exactly the consequences
> described in [1].

As I've said above, I believe that the reduced Base GUI from m118 is
even better than no GUI.
> > Any other ideas how I can make life more difficult for users who want
> > to use the Base GUI?
> One could manually de-register certain UNO services, so that certain
> functionality becomes unavailable. 

How do I do that?

> This could include at least all
> services which are necessary for the UI. If the above doesn't fit your
> needs, this would be the way to go.

Well it looks like the way implemented in m118 would be enough to
solve my problem, although I will have to discuss this with my
superiors before I can be sure. The thing I'm worrying about is how
stable the m118 feature set is. Reading [1]  gives me the impression
that it is not stable, that disabling Base at installation time will
remove more functionality in future.

And if for instance the Mail Merge Wizard disappears completely or
registering databases via UNO stops working, then installing without
Base will no longer be an option for us and we'll be in the same fix
as we're now, only worse, because by that time we'll probably have
established a policy that mandates disabling Base at install time,
that would have to be overturned (which is difficult). To make this
more clear, it won't be a problem for us if there remains a set of
install options to get back the m118 feature set, but if OO.o 2.0
Final ships with only the option to enable or disable Base completely
and disabling removes a crucial feature, then we'll be in big trouble
if we establish a policy now based on the m118 feature set.


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