Just in case someone want to fix it, here some background:
- FontSizeBox show fonts in Points
- Writer remembers font size in Twips
- Calc/Impress remember font sizes in 100th mm

So you can't make a simple fix to avoid rounding problems.

Best would be if all apps used the same unit for fonts, but that would
be a bigger task.

Only really strange thing here is when 10.7 is really shown as 10...


Even if you pick "10.5" from the drop-down font-size list of the toolbar, there is a fraction of a second where you can see "10.5" in the little box, but it ends up as "10". That must be a simple-to-fix problem (in my opinion). If you then RMB-click and pick Character, you will see "10.5" as the font size. So it seems to be a display issue that is limited to the code that displays the font size value in the toolbar window.

Enter "10.9" in the toolbar box and it displays as "10". Enter "10.99" in the box and it displays as "11". There are some strange rounding things going on, but a major step forward would be to show the "tenths" digit. I think there should be TWO decimal places available. There are times when it is needed to tweak a document.

In the Character window (RMB then pick Character), you do get one decimal place, but some strange rounding when you enter a new size and hit Enter, then go back to the Character window to check the results:

"10.24" becomes "10.1".
"10.99" becomes "11".
"21.9" becomes "21.8".

I sincerely wish the person or persons who wrote that code would take a good look at it and get rid of these bugs. It is important to be able to specify a font size, and have confidence that it works properly. This is not some esoteric function that one person in a million might use. Thanks.

John Hardy

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