As usual your reply was quick and helpful. I am very grateful but also still confused. I got the impression from the OOo website that having downloaded solver and the one module, ie. sal, I want to build with debug=true I could get an OOo that would work under gdb.

Now I think there are many more steps. The following is rather verbose but I believe it should grow into a page for solver newbies like me on the OOo website. Some of it may be right but please point out when I go astray.

1) Select a $SRCROOT directory

2) Download a solver tarball which unpacks into $SRCROOT/solver
( You can unpack somewhere else but then have to tell configure with
--with-local-solver=<abs-path-to-solver> )

3) Checkout the project of interest, ie. porting (which includes module
   sal) AND solenv, installation, dmake, and possibly ....

4) cd $SRCROOT/config_office
   ./configure <options>
   Creates bootstrap and the xxxEnv.Set scripts in $SRCROOT

5) cd $SRCROOT; source xxxEnv.Set
   bootstrap - creates platform specific files incl. dmake

Now ready for repeated builds

6) To rebuild module sal:

   cd $SRCROOT; source xxxEnv.Set; cd sal
   build -u

   (The -u gives more output to find where things go wrong when they do)
   This compile/links a new sal library into the directory

7) Make an installation set

   cd $SRCROOT; source xxxEnv.Set; cd installation/instset_oo
   export PKGFORMAT=<rpm>       (Not needed if platform default will do)
   build -u

   An installation set is a file or set of files describing all files
   needed to make an installation package for a particular product/
   platform/ language (?) (Some kind of concatenation of .scp files ?)

8) Make a package based on the installation set
   Don't know yet.

   cd $SRCROOT; source xxxEnv.Set; cd ???
   build -u

9) Get appropriate install script from an openoffice.org/developer
   mirror (Necessary once you have an .rpm package?)

10)Install the package in some directory eg. ~/ootrial running
   rpm -i <path-to-package> --prefix=/home/me/ootrial

   Definitively the core package but maybe others?

11) Run ~/ootrial/<bin or program or ..>/soffice
   Find problem and back to 6) or live happy ever after.

In 7) things go wrong for me. After some preliminaries error:

find: /loc/prog32/oomodules/default_images/res/commandimagelist:
   No such file or directory

There is no such file in solver so what does it solve.
A 'commandimagelist' directory exists CVS repository [framework]/res

Do I now also have to checkout the framework project? Even more?

If 11) is the last step I am over halfway.


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