
the original question (I may have mis-read) I thought was "after building, how can it be run?" Now i see it is more about solver, about which I have no experience. I will make some very brief comments below, and reply more fully later today. maybe someone else will comment?

I think the best thing would be to download the released installation that matches your solver version and use that one to drop in your changes.


On 07/11/2006, at 2:56 AM, Enno Fennema wrote:
7) Make an installation set

   cd $SRCROOT; source xxxEnv.Set; cd installation/instset_oo
   build -u

What version is it? I have $SRCROOT/instsetoo_native

   An installation set is a file or set of files describing all files
   needed to make an installation package for a particular product/
   platform/ language (?) (Some kind of concatenation of .scp files ?)

It is the final product ready to be installed by the user.
Step 7 maakes it it.

8) Make a package based on the installation set
   Don't know yet.

Now you are the user - just install it somewhere

9) Get appropriate install script from an openoffice.org/developer
   mirror (Necessary once you have an .rpm package?)

Sufficient, but not necessary if you know how.

10)Install the package in some directory eg. ~/ootrial running
   rpm -i <path-to-package> --prefix=/home/me/ootrial

   Definitively the core package but maybe others?

Everything except desktop integration (i think)

11) Run ~/ootrial/<bin or program or ..>/soffice
   Find problem and back to 6) or live happy ever after.



In 7) things go wrong for me. After some preliminaries error:

find: /loc/prog32/oomodules/default_images/res/commandimagelist:
   No such file or directory

Help! anyone?
IMHO you need checkout default_images module. It is referenced directly from instsetoo_native so the solver is not complete (bug or feature?) But see my top comment - get the ready-made installation

If 11) is the last step I am over halfway.


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