Mathias Bauer wrote:
Rüdiger Timm schrieb:

Caolan McNamara wrote:
On Tue, 2007-02-13 at 09:54 +0100, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
FYI: <>
Second reason is that (curently) this does not fit our development stile. We do childworkspaces feature wise. With the current degree of code mudularity this quite often means to work on base (URE) modules
I hope that this is a typo and not a Freudian slip! :-)

Typo :-) BTW, what's 'mudularity'? Sounds interesting, but I don't know such word

providing some new functionality and applications where you want to use that in one childworkspace. So, yes, it may be an attractive goal. But we should start with package restructuring and more code modularity. Stick with building on one workspace for now.

I agree that it is fortunate to be able to work on a CWS that contains
all necessary modules even if they are part of 2 or 3 products.

OTOH I think it is essential that we make it easy to build SDK and URE
from scratch independently from OOo. This is the kind of split we need.
That does not exclude that active development work (CWS) still happens
in the integrated environment. As long as all products share the same
cvs repository I don't think that this is endangered.

OK. If that's all, 'make it easy to build SDK and URE from scratch independently from OOo', than I am fully with you. It should be possible to check out just a needed subset of modules and build them. Without the need to go through the whole tree just because you need 'instsetoo_native'. But, that's only the first of four paragraphs Stephan wrote concerning 'at build time'.


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