Am Sonntag 06 Mai 2007 17:12 schrieb Dmitri Hrapof:
> Arnulf Wiedemann <arnulf <at>> writes:
> > So please let me know if there is some interest in that implementation
> > and if yes, who would like to spend also some time on the project, as I
> > am currently working on an other open source project for TCL and don't
> > have too much time for the urp project.
> Yes, I would like to participate in that implementation. Right now I'm
> loading Python library into Common Lisp and talking to OO through PyUNO,
> which is rather strange :) 
My first trying was also using that approach, but then I found out there were 
some problems using pyuno, which did not deliver enough information necessary 
for TCL. 
> And embedding CL into OO, though a noble task, 
> seems like too much of work at the moment.
You are welcome!

I just digged into that directory (the first time after about a year). The 
current implementation has about 12.000 lines of code, of which there are 
about 6.500 lines of code related to implement TCL functionality in C, for 
example hash list which you can traverse using a "foreach" to handle every 
entry in the hash list or handling of TCL like lists, which is similar to 
having an argv in C to pass information. That part is not necessary to be 
understood, as it is "stolen" from Tcl and it is working, only the interfaces 
are interesting. I also do not know most of the internals of that part. I 
have used it because that way I can easily convert the functionality written 
in TCL urp to run also in C. I think there is no performance penality using 
that approach and it did save me a lot of implementation time.

The rest is (if I remember correctly) the "low" level functions to "speak" to 
OO. It is doing all of the administration of all the "objects" etc. I think 
right now I can send simple messages and get back some answers with that.

As the urp proctocol is not changing very much it is independent of the OO 
version (>1.1.2) I know that from TCL urp (which has been tested with 1.1.2 
1.1.4 and 2.0.x and 2.1.0). I am getting all the internals using 
introspection functions and core reflection functions of OO, so there is also 
no problem if there are new interfaces/classes etc. in newer versions.

The idea is to hide also some of the low level functionality and have as a 
wrapper interface already some "middle" level.

I can provide a tar ball, if you are interested. At the moment there is only 
an old state in cvs at, but if I continue I will use svn 

> Sincerely yours,
> Dmitri
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