Christian Lohmaier wrote:
> Hi *,
> On Nov 11, 2007 3:54 AM, jonathon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Rony wrote:
>>> FWIW: MS Word has been having that ability for quite a few versions now.
>>> There one would use the "Language" tab on styles to define what language
>>> it is used for (on that dialog one is able to turn off grammar- and 
>>> spell-checking).
>> How is that different from implementing language specific styles in OOo?
> Please don't confuse KAMI's feature-request with the stuff described
> in this excerpt.
Did not realize that!

> Of course you can already assign different languages to different parts of 
> your document
> and that language will be used for spell-checking, hyphenation and will 
> affect things like
> autocorrect/autoformat (replacement of typographic quotes for example)
Tsk, thank you for pointing that out. Being somewhat accustomed to MS
Word, I looked into the wrong area in OOo to find that (just found it to
be a drop-down field on the "Character"- resp. "Font"-dialog)!

> - if you choose the language "none", no spell-checking, hyphenation is 
> performed.
Well, that would be *quite* different from being able to assign a
specific language (important, to be able to identify/extract text in a
certain language) and determine that that should not be spell-checked,
hyphenized or Grammar checked.


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