Hi Kay,

On Wed, 2008-05-14 at 11:42 +0200, Kay Ramme wrote:
> does anybody know what the state and plans regarding the "VCL UI Rework" 
> (see http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/VCL_UI_Rework) project 
> are? As we need to do something to improve our GUI, this seems to be a 
> good step into the right direction ...

        Sure - so Jan is working on this full time - modulo having just had a
baby & taking some time off for that. Oh - and also, having been
somewhat shipwrecked by the problems of bootstrapping new-3.0
split-up-OO.o enough to get the editor / tests working again in 3.0 [ a
bottomless time sink no doubt based on my experience making it work in
the 1st place ].

        Anyhow in the absence of Jan who can give you a live update (janneke on
#go-oo) - currently some version of the layout code is merged into
toolkit/ in DEV300 and has been re-factored to fit more snugly within
the toolkit structure [ saving some ugliness ].

        toolkit/workben/layout has some samples.

        I believe Jan is working on converting some of the more tricky dialogs
- eg. the calc format dialog - and extending the vclcompat API, and
creating wrappers for embedding old-style fixed-size VCL widgets inside
Layout containers & vv.

        I believe he is doing that work in a CWS 'layoutdialogs' - which is the
latest code.

        There was some resistance to nominating this for 3.0 because ChristianL
wanted to re-do the translation work to use Java Properties instead of
the new transex tool we wrote that translated complete XML files

        So - in summary; it's going quite nicely - though Jan is away for a
bit: and wrt. helping out - perhaps the most useful thing would be to
unwind the UNO*3.0* nightmare in the CWS so that toolkit/workben/layout
's 'test' binary will run again; and/or secondarily looking at java
property files for translation: which prolly belongs near
toolkit/source/layout/import.cxx [ still a not-cleaned-up WIP ].

        Oh; and you need to export ENABLE_LAYOUT=TRUE to get that good stuff to
build :-)



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