Hi Kay,
What I hear is, that many users and developers seem to be unsatisfied with OOo's GUI respectively with it's progress, some even seem to be disappointed with OOo 3 because of that. What I see is, that others (XAML, XUL, ...) are in principal heading for a scalable approach (not pixel but vector based, using e.g. cm or inch as the measure), noticing all those high resolution / high pixel density displays, this obviously makes sense. Not to forget, that there is a general trend, and I have to admit, I personally like that, towards transparency and animations.

I think what I basically want to say is, that there is some pressure to principally re-work OOo's GUI to stay attractive and to be future proof. What I am currently doing is, to look around, to listen and to ask questions what people think what needs to be done, and what they are currently working on.
For me an other aspect of the user interface is much much more important, consistency of the UI over the whole office and with the operating system. If you look today on the user interface of the different OOo applications, they look very different. Especially Impress looks totally different with it's 3 pane UI layout. Furthermore the functionality of the slide sorter pane is more or less identical with the Navigator. Why are there two tools in one UI for the same task? Also the Task Pane could be merged with the Stylist. An other example are the many different ways, OOo uses too highlight a selected object. Sometime selected text is inverted, sometimes the systems highlight color is used and Draw has a totally different way of painting some green squares around the selected objects. Or what about the light bulb window, that sometimes pops up over the lower right corner of the main window. Do you know any system that uses such help windows? I know, that removing such quirks makes not so much fun, as implementing some cool animations. But in my opinion, this is the point that makes a good user interface. And please, always remind that OOo is a productivity tool and not a video game.

Best Regards

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