Hi Juergen,

> it sounds strange and we should analyze the problems. Can you submit an
> issue (component writer, sw) with an example sxw document attached. As
> far as i know no such problems are known so far and it would be
> interesting to know what happens.

Sorry for the delay. I was in holidays. I analysed the problem and
submitted a bug: http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=90872

The reason of the defect was: OOo 1.1.4 created some documents without a
/META-INF/manifest.xml. These documents were not opened correctly with
OOo 2.4. Thus my colleague copied a manifest.xml file in some of the
documents. By doing this the formatting was gone in documents where the
manifest.xml file was wrong. The submitted bug is very instersting.

Thanks all for the comments and help.

Greetings, Tobias

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