On 08/27/08 15:52, Andrey Hristov wrote:
OOo guarantees that an (extension) native UNO component library is loaded in an environment where the public URE libraries (libuno_sal.so.3 etc.) are "just there." However, any OOo-internal libraries cannot be used from an extension (as they do not offer a stable interface):

Yes, I'm aware of that but don't know how to get rid of these dependencies. As the extension is at early stage I decided to leave that aside when I know that the extension does what it is supposed to do. Of course, it might happen that the extension uses libraries to implement functionality, which libraries it should not use and some rewrite is needed. However, I am in desperate need to see the extension load and do just a little, but something.

Might work to have LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/openoffice.org/basis3.0/program (provided your OOo is installed in the default location) around all calls to unopkg, soffice, etc.


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