On 10/08/08 12:09, Jens-Heiner Rechtien wrote:
The tabs converted to spaces issue seems somewhat more controversial. At
least we have to move it out of the migration phase. I've played with
the idea of a pre-commit formatting check and it's clear that a little
thought has to go in this. Removing the tabs out of POSIX style
makefiles might not be a good idea :)

What is especially problematic is the (partial) use of tabs instead of spaces in source code combined with the unfortunate, uncommon convention of a tab width of four (instead of the universal eight).

To the newcomer or casual visitor to the OOo source (who by default uses a tab width of eight) many files will present themselves as having been written by programmers too incompetent to even do basic source code formatting in a reasonable way:

        if (something)

I, for one, would not bother to look deeper into a project like that after such a first impression...


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