Andre Schnabel a écrit :
Hi Eric,

Hi Andre,

Von: eric b <>
In fact, it was -probably- already too late, and I should have posted before (too busy, my fault). Since, I verified yesterday : the EducOOo (our non profit association) received less than 300 euros. The fact is, the npa received not enough to help me, so my participation is canceled.
That's completely normal.

Maybe to you - to me it seems rather unfair to many of the other people who 
apllied for a slot.

I proposed to people who had no correct slot to replace me already, like the students who participated to the go-oo Google Summer of Code: things were unclear for them until very recently.

Now, please ask them whether it looks unfair to replace me  ;-)

If your participation is bound to some restrictions, you could have stated this 
much earlier.

First, any proposal must respect a deadline, and you often have to send the proposal before the time to book planes/hotels. This is true every year (due to fly reservation system), for all the conferences I participate(d).

In the same time (submitting the proposals), I started the discussion with several people, but finally nobody confirmed the promises.

Last, we ( created a Paypal account at mid september, but the donation never reached the expected level. That's the point.

Remember that you even could have applied for imbursements here at the Ooo 
project (from what I read, you did not).

First, since my request for attending last year was refused (while we had one conf and one big workout accepted !), nor received any encouragment, I decided the FOSDEM would be the last time I ask something to the project.

That's even the reason why the association was created: become independant from that.

For memory, my proposal, was about do the first step with India and meet young devs face to face for future. The result was: not accepted, but nothing done instead, and the money never used.

Second, well ... 300 euros (including 2 x50 euros for nights) does not really cover the price, for most of the people concerned. This is not what I expect of such a projet like

the project lead got a session, people maybe prepared to have some chats with 
the education lead ... and now exactly this project
lead find, ha cannot attent, because he was to late with looking for 

FYI, Alexandro, Co-Lead of Education Project will attend Orvieto.

Conclusion:  there is no problem.

Nevertheless, my absence is not that important
Maybe to you. But what is with all the other people who prepaed to meet *you*?

If this is really important, they can meet me on IRC, or contact us using ?

That's easy, really.

Maybe it is not important if you are there or not. But it is (imho) imporant to 
communicate open and early, under what conditions
you are there.

Since years, I say exactly the same : regular contributors travels, should be founded by the project for important confs.

Working hard for without being paid, with the goal to share the knowledge is what I do** since years. That's why I don't fear to ask.

André (being a little upset)

And me more, because I spent an hour to answer your agressive mail point by point ...

End of Topic for me (really)

Eric Bachard
Lead, Education Project

**For the one wondering, I listed some of my contributions (all made in my spare time), on my personnal (and chaotic) wiki page :

Education Project:
Projet OOo4Kids :
L'association EducOOo :
Blog :

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