André Schnabel wrote:
> >well, I guess matters are a bit more complicated here. From past
> >years, it was quite customary to pay travel & accomodation for
> >volunteer contributors; in fact the conference submission site
> >mentioned as much.
> So we seem to have different memories, what was "customary". As I
> remember, last years conference was the first one to have a very
> generous budget for travel & accomodation. This was explicitly
> mentioned by the main sponsor when the application was sent in. The
> years before, the reimbursements were much lower and always bound to
> "active community members who really need the reimbursements".
> But my memory might fail, as I never got full reimbursements for any
> of the conferences I attended.
Hi Andre,

nah, your memory seems correct, that's what I remember, too. But I
thought the amount was kind of adjusted to the actual need; anyway,
was not actually involved in such stuff, so you will know better.

> Most of the time I payed the full costs myself. (Maybe this makes 
> me one of the evil stupid, who find OOo Conferences interesting 
> enough to go there on their own risk and costs :) ).
Oh, count me in with the stupids, too - though I guess there's likely
a difference between normal attendance, and speakers (and CC
members, FWIW). ;)

> >I guess the ones not being timely in this case were the people
> >deciding/announcing on the reimbursements. Travel/accomodation
> >usually gets noticeable more expensive even 6 weeks before ...
> >
> Agreed - final rules for reimbursements were given very late. But
> this does not mean, that you can expect to get reimbursements, as
> long as no one told something different. Still I think, it is only
> honest to say "I'll join the conference only if I get the
> reimbursements". This would help to mak decisions and put some
> pressure on the  conference team.
Yeah; past years IIRC had this mentioned on the CfP.

> There is indeed another problem for the Conference Team: OOoCon
> never had any budget assigned form the OOo project. We used to plan
> the Conferences as self-sustaining (means every cost  related to the
> conference needs to be backed by dedicated sponsoring). You might
> imagine, that it  was harder to find sponsors  this year than any
> other before.
I definitely believe that. But this also cuts the other way around,
means community contributors may be more cautious with spending.

> Budgeting is actually a  task of the council - so
> anybody who is not fine with this, should raise this to the council.
> Or - much better - apply for a council seat. You'll get the next
> chance some weeks after the Conference ;)
Noted. ;)


-- Thorsten

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