Hi Everyone,

"It compiles!  Ship it!"

I've gotten it to build on OSX Leopard successfully.  It even installs and
runs too.  Yay!

Taking your advice Philipp, I did a clean make by doing a checkout and
another make (obviously the wrong way to do things but I couldn't find the
correct way to do a make clean :-(  Any advice here?).

After that, I had to apply a patch that I found  here:


Apparently, in order to get libjpipe.jnilib to be detected I had to change a
line in the source.

After that it built and I got a dmg!

Thank you Kirill, Mathias, and Philipp for all your help.

Next up, I'll update the AquaBuild wiki page as it seems like some of the
instructions are out-of-date:
http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/AquaBuild  .  Hopefully it'll help
the next poor sap who tries to do what I did.


On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 12:41 AM, Philipp Lohmann <philipp.lohm...@sun.com>wrote:

> On 1/4/10 4:07 PM, Peter Kaufman wrote:
>> Hi Kirill and Mathias,
>> Thanks for the help!
>> I recompiled with --disable-mozilla switch and it got a lot farther but
>> now
>> it's hit another wall:
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> .. checking required files ...
>> ..... searching zip ...
>>     Found: /usr/bin/zip
>> .. analyzing ../util/openoffice.lst ...
>> rmdir: /Users/peterkaufman/open_office/instsetoo_native/
>> unxmacxi.pro/OpenOffice/dmg/logging/: Directory not empty
>> .. reading include pathes ...
>> .. analyzing script: /Users/peterkaufman/open_office/solver/300/
>> unxmacxi.pro/bin/setup_osl.ins ...
>> .. analyzing directories ...
>> .. analyzing files ...
>> .. analyzing scpactions ...
>> .. analyzing shortcuts ...
>> .. analyzing unix links ...
>> .. analyzing profile ...
>> .. analyzing profileitems ...
>> .. analyzing modules ...
>> ------------------------------------
>> .. languages en-US ...
>> .. analyzing files ...
>> ERROR: The following files could not be found:
>> ERROR: File not found: libjpipe.jnilib
>> ERROR: File not found: ldapbe2.uno.dylib
>> ERROR: File not found: libplmxi.dylib
>> ERROR: File not found: libxsec_fw.dylib
>> ERROR: File not found: libxmlsecurity.dylib
>> ERROR: File not found: libxsec_xmlsec.dylib
>> ERROR: File not found: mozruntime.zip
>> ERROR: File not found: xmlsecen-US.res
>> .. cleaning the output tree ...
>> .. removing directory /tmp/ooopackaging/i_728461262616865 ...
>> **************************************************
>> ERROR: ERROR: Missing files
>> in function: remove_Files_Without_Sourcedirectory
>> **************************************************
>> **************************************************
>> ERROR: Saved logfile: /Users/peterkaufman/open_office/instsetoo_native/
>> unxmacxi.pro/OpenOffice/dmg/logging/en-US/log_DEV300_en-US.log
>> **************************************************
>> Mon Jan  4 23:54:29 2010 (00:04 min.)
>> dmake:  Error code 255, while making 'openoffice_en-US.dmg'
>> 1 module(s):
>>     instsetoo_native
>> need(s) to be rebuilt
>> Reason(s):
>> Attention: if you fix the errors in above module(s) you may prolongue your
>> the build issuing command:
>>     build --all:instsetoo_native
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> OK, to be frank, I'm not at all sure what the issue is.  It seems like a
>> lot
>> of the XML related dylibs aren't building.  I don't know why it's still
>> looking for mozruntime.zip as I had the --disable-mozilla switch.
>> If you could help point me in the right direction, it would be a big help.
>> Thank you very much for all your help so far.
>> -Peter
> As a guess: you didn't clean up all modules after configuring ? In that
> case you'll need to rebuilt (at least) scp2 which creates the set of files
> to install (which seems to include mozilla still).
> Just my 2 cents, pl
> --
> "One SVN to rule them all, One SVN to check out from,
>  One SVN to commit them all and on the harddisks bind them
>  In Las Vegas where the server lies."
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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