Hi Roger,

2010/12/22 Tanya Sammel <tsvt...@hotmail.com>:
> Hi
> I need help I have lost my Open Office program. It was on the Dock and now 
> it's gone. I have checked everywhere with no luck. Even documents I had saved 
> on my desk top in open Office are no longer there.I know it's some where in 
> my computer. Can someone Please help me find it??

Sorry, but with so little information, I can't help you. Which OS are
you using (Windows (which version?), Linux or Mac OS? Which version of
OpenOffice.org did you install? Did you do something special, when OOo
"disappeared"? (Maybe an update to your OS?

I've forwarded your email to the users list of Openoffice.org, since
this is the more appropriate List to ask this question. Please answer
only to the users list. So there isr a good chance, that some of the
subscribers might have an idea to help you.


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