andrzej zaborowski wrote:
> I can mass delete the empty relations (which are not members of other
> relations) like you did with ways but I will not go and check each one
> of the 7k.  Would someone object to me deleting them?  What are other
> ideas about the origin of empty relations?

Can you post some typical examples? I did a search and found far less 
empty relations than you did:

select id, tags from planet_osm_rels where # parts = 0 GROUP BY tags, id
2939 rows retrieved.

And this still contains empty relations referenced by others.

By looking at the tags a huge amount is from boundary import.
Others look like it was just a user deleting ways but not the now empty 
relation or adding a relation but not adding members.

It's easy with JOSM. Create a relation and upload. Not even a warning.
See here:

I will reuse this empty relation to tag an island by adding members 
later. In this state it's for demonstration of empty relations.

About mass delete: I'm not sure about this on relations. Some of them 
are just a few hours old. Maybe the older ones not being referenced by 
anything. Reason would be no one could work with them without knowing 
their ID. The editors can not retrieve them.


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