On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Steve Hill <st...@nexusuk.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Jan 2010, John Smith wrote:
>> You can stuff the new diff files straight into osm2pgsql, it's all I'm
>> doing, I coded my own shell script to keep track of where my system is
>> up to and to pull new ones when they are available.
> I think thats what I'm going to have to do.  I can't figure out how to get
> Osmosis to work - it just sits there doing nothing when I fire it up with
> "--rri --simc --wxc blah.osc".  Even with "-v 9" on the commandline all I
> get is it sitting there saying "FINE: Reading current server state." and
> doing nothing more. :(

this is very odd... for me, it completes in about 6s after downloading
one hour's worth of changes and merging them. (i didn't change
maxInterval in configuration.txt, and that's the default). if you're
running under linux it would be very helpful if could you run osmosis
via strace and let us know what syscall it's in when it's hanging.



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