On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Graham Jones <grahamjones...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Parveen,

> I like the idea of making it easy for less technical users to create their
> own maps. You are right that it is now (relatively) easy to set up a tile
> server given the work that has been done packaging the main tools, but
> creating a map style is quite a task, and even customising the default OSM
> one is daunting.
> Therefore I think a project based on helping people create custom map styles
> is a good thing.

> To turn your idea into a good proposal, I think you need to address the
> following:
> How will this work - is it a text file that the user edits manually, or will
> there be a graphical interface?
Yeah for sure, providing easy UI will be its first preference.

> If it is a graphical system, is it a desktop application or a web based one?
I will prefer to make it web based, to make it System Independent.
I have worked on a project of university following the same concepts
to generate files with PHP

>   In either case, how will you go about it?
> Will it work on mapnik XML style sheets, or carto CSS ones.....or maybe the
> CSS style used by KothicJS and others?
If we take entries from users into database, then we can generate any
type of file from database.
XML or CSS by fetching all the variable values from the database.

> It would be good to compare your ideas to TileMill, which is going a long
> way to doing what you are proposing, but I think we lack a tilemill (carto)
> base style for OSM data to customise (I have some very simple ones, but they
> are way off the complexity of the standard OSM mapnik style).   One of last
> year's Mapnik GSoC projects may have created an XML to carto converter,
> which could help?
Yeah I am checking that.

> Therefore one possibility may be to use tilemill as a
> base for the project.
Is it mean to do improvements in tilemil?

> The simplest step forward, which I think would be useful would be to extend
> the use of entities in the existing XML stylesheet so that all of the styles
> for drawing the various components are defined in a single place, separated
> from the more complicated bits,
> but I have not looked at how feasible this
> is given the support for various zoom levels in the style sheet - it may not
> be much simpler (but could maybe have a file for each zoom level?).

Not got this point, Can you please elaborate it a bit more?

> Anyway, these are just a few thoughts to help you put together a proposal
> which you would like to work on, and are confident in being able to achieve
> in the GSoC timescale.
Thank You very much for replying back and for suggestions :)

Parveen Arora
E-Mail: m...@parveenarora.in

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