That would be great to have the styles from osm in some format that
can be easily reused. The mapnik styles can be used but they are
married to also database queries and makes them harder to refactor.

On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Parveen Arora <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I want to apply for OSM GSoC.
> I am having idea of "StyleSheet Generator for OSM", i.e. users can
> create style-sheets of their own choice based upon their own
> preferences and requirements and those stylesheets can be used using
> any renderer.
> Using this maps for Map for visually handicapped can be created
> easily, the one who can't read small fonts or are having color
> blindness, so that maps suitable for them can be easily available.
> This can have many more benefits like any one who wants to show
> particular roads or points on the map can generate the style-sheets
> for that.
> One more thing is that there is lot of work already has been done to
> set up map tile server that one can easily do that using few commands,
> and that can be more useful applied with stylesheet generator.
> Please let me know If something similar already exist so that I can
> check that and can look for improvements in that if required.
> If there is nothing exist similar, this can be feasible during the
> GSoC time period.
> Please give your valuable suggestions, feedback and improvements or
> anything else that can be done along with this idea.
> Thank You.
> --
> Parveen Arora
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James Michael DuPont
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