On 2020-05-25 09:59, Paul Norman via dev wrote:
On 2020-05-24 10:26 p.m., Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
Thank you for making this, it looks like a lot of work!

These client-side vector tiles at z8? (https://pnorman.dev.openstreetmap.org/cartographic/mapbox-gl.html)

My laptop (2015 Macbook Pro, 16 GB RAM, 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7) appears to use some effort to show areas with a large amount of data, For example if I view England + Wales on z8 and then move over to the Netherlands and then to Germany, at z7 and z8, CPU usage goes up to >100% for a time, and there is a noticeable delay. Perhaps part of this is a delay in serving the tiles?

Some of the tiles are decently large so could be slow to download, but
based on your CPU it's not that. More likely it's the high number of
vegetation and landuse features at those zooms. There are some things
I might be able to do reduce the feature count.

I'm not noticing much slowness on my computer, but having a lot of cores does help here I think. I won't notice it when my browser is using one core (out of six) at 100%. I did get some delay when zooming in, at first I thought "oh, only motorways, that's not much" but after some 10 seconds I got landuse and other roads. Still, it looks to be a very simplified subset of the complete data. So I'd be interested to see how this works on a full dataset.


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