On 01/16/15 at 03:22pm, Motonori Shindo wrote:
> That being said, I just found that there is a way to control which machine
> to bring up in Vagrantfile by passing an argument to "vagrant up" command
> (e.g. "vagrant up fedora" or "vagrant up ubuntu") and even specify the
> default machine to bring up in case when no argument is passed to "vagrant
> up". For example,
>  config.vm.define "fedora", primary: true do |fedora|
>       fedora.vm.box = "chef/fedora-20"
>  end
>  config.vm.define "ubuntu" do |ubuntu|
>       ubuntu.vm.box = "chef/ubuntu-13.10"
>  end
>  then "vagrant up" will bring up just Fedora VM.

Exactly, we should also put "autostart: false" into the non-default
vms so they *need* to be brought up expclitely.

> BTW, do you really think we should run all these provisioning commands as
> "root"? I personally prefer to execute it with "privileged: false" by
> default and sudo for only commands that requires root privilege. Will you
> give me more rationale behind your proposed change?

Do you see any pro/con other than having to do sudo for each command?
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