On 01/16/15 at 09:42am, Dave Tucker wrote:
> The packer definitions for the "chef" boxes are here
> https://github.com/opscode/bento
> It's possible to host the defintions in a git repo, have Jenkins handle
> builds, upload the boxes to Amazon S3  and update the boxes in Atlas
> (formerly Vagrant Cloud).
> A possible downside is that Atlas is going to be a "paid" service so some
> funding might be necessary in future to host these boxes.
> Of course, if they are on S3, you can just point the config.vm.box_url
> there...

Seems like you have quite some experience here. From my limited
experience so far we seem to test against the following boxes:
 - Distro boxes with set of well known distro kernels
 - Some default distro box with set of stable kernels and

For the distro tests we should be able to reuse existing boxes and
just provision the right kernel package onto them before running
check-kmod and check-kernel. My 1 minute search to do this came up
with vagrant-reload:


So we could take default chef boxes and just up/downgrade kernels.

The upstream stable kernels probably require individual boxes built
with packer. As for net and net-next we would need a special
bootstrap which compiles and installs kernel. I have something I use
locally for net-next that we might be able to reuse but I'd need to
clean it up a bit. Is there any advantage of having the boxes on S3
rather than Atlas or vice versa?

> An alternative would be to do something like this:
> https://gist.github.com/4e371d8fd860a4987cee
> Which - assuming a script is used to compile the correct Kernel - would
> result in N Fedora VMs named "fedora20-3.17.7"
> An obvious flaw in my Gist is that the VM name doesn't include whether DPDK
> has been installed or not.
> Vagrantfiles are just a Ruby DSL, so you can use normal Ruby in here to do
> some very cool stuff

I absolutely love this. An obvious further multi-distro extension
would be:

distros = [
    {name=>"fedora", bootstrap=>$bootstrap_fedora},

for distros.times do |d|
    for kernels.times do |k|

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