Hi Mark
Thanks for the release. Does this current release pass CDI Web Profile TCK? 

On Monday, July 10, 2017, 2:28:39 PM GMT+3, Mark Struberg 
<strub...@yahoo.de.INVALID> wrote:

Good afternoon!

We are proud to call a VOTE on releasing Apache OpenWebBeans-2.0.0

This is an implementation of the CDI-2.0 specification (JSR-365) which just got 

We already tested it with DeltaSpike, BVal and quite a few other projects, and 
it really looks fine so far!

Besides implenting CDI-2.0 the following bugs and enhancements got fixed



    • [OWB-1185] - implement Annotated#getAnnotations
    • [OWB-1186] - update logic for bootstrapping-events
    • [OWB-1187] - implement configurators
    • [OWB-1188] - implement async events
    • [OWB-1189] - add new parts to the event-api
    • [OWB-1190] - implement java-se support
    • [OWB-1192] - update logic for Instance
    • [OWB-1193] - implement InterceptionFactory

    • [OWB-1179] - OWB-Arquillian scanner doesn't ignore classes with 
ClassNotFound and NoClassDefFound
    • [OWB-1183] - OWB-Arquillian does not supports implicit bean discovery mode
    • [OWB-1184] - arquillian connector doesn't support BDAs
    • [OWB-1196] - Signed classes can't be proxied: 
java.lang.SecurityException: class "com.Foo$$OwbNormalScopeProxy0"'s signer 
information does not match signer information of other classes in the same 
    • [OWB-1197] - OwbSWClassLoader creates wrong URL

    • [OWB-1135] - Remove duplication for openwebbeans/Messages
    • [OWB-1195] - do a codestyle analysis check and apply fidings before 
releasing OWB-2.0.0

    • [OWB-1087] - fix failing integration tests with java 8
    • [OWB-1182] - Implement the CDI-2.0 API

The staging repo is here

The Source release can be found here

Please VOTE:
[+1] yeah, let's ship it
[+0] meh, don't care
[-1] no, because I found a ${showstopper}

The VOTE is open for 72h

A special thanks to all who put their hard time into making this release 

txs and LieGrue,
the Apache OpenWebBeans team

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