Hi Gurkan!

It passes the common part of the TCK, which makes up the vast amount of tests 

[INFO] Results :
[INFO] Tests run: 1179, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

The WebProfile and FullProfile TCK is only handled in TomEE 8 which we are 
about to start in the next days.
There will be more OWB releases where we will surely fix one or the other thing 
poping up in those parts of the TCK as well.

This is kind of a chicken egg problem because TomEE needs OWB in the very core 
to start working on EE8 ;)


> Am 10.07.2017 um 13:37 schrieb Gurkan Erdogdu 
> <gurkanerdo...@yahoo.com.INVALID>:
> Hi Mark
> Thanks for the release. Does this current release pass CDI Web Profile TCK? 
> Regards.
> Gurkan
> On Monday, July 10, 2017, 2:28:39 PM GMT+3, Mark Struberg 
> <strub...@yahoo.de.INVALID> wrote:
> Good afternoon!
> We are proud to call a VOTE on releasing Apache OpenWebBeans-2.0.0
> This is an implementation of the CDI-2.0 specification (JSR-365) which just 
> got released.
> We already tested it with DeltaSpike, BVal and quite a few other projects, 
> and it really looks fine so far!
> Besides implenting CDI-2.0 the following bugs and enhancements got fixed
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310844&version=12333257
> Sub-task
>     • [OWB-1185] - implement Annotated#getAnnotations
>     • [OWB-1186] - update logic for bootstrapping-events
>     • [OWB-1187] - implement configurators
>     • [OWB-1188] - implement async events
>     • [OWB-1189] - add new parts to the event-api
>     • [OWB-1190] - implement java-se support
>     • [OWB-1192] - update logic for Instance
>     • [OWB-1193] - implement InterceptionFactory
> Bug
>     • [OWB-1179] - OWB-Arquillian scanner doesn't ignore classes with 
> ClassNotFound and NoClassDefFound
>     • [OWB-1183] - OWB-Arquillian does not supports implicit bean discovery 
> mode
>     • [OWB-1184] - arquillian connector doesn't support BDAs
>     • [OWB-1196] - Signed classes can't be proxied: 
> java.lang.SecurityException: class "com.Foo$$OwbNormalScopeProxy0"'s signer 
> information does not match signer information of other classes in the same 
> package
>     • [OWB-1197] - OwbSWClassLoader creates wrong URL
> Improvement
>     • [OWB-1135] - Remove duplication for openwebbeans/Messages
>     • [OWB-1195] - do a codestyle analysis check and apply fidings before 
> releasing OWB-2.0.0
> Task
>     • [OWB-1087] - fix failing integration tests with java 8
>     • [OWB-1182] - Implement the CDI-2.0 API
> The staging repo is here
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheopenwebbeans-1030/
> The Source release can be found here
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheopenwebbeans-1030/org/apache/openwebbeans/openwebbeans/2.0.0/
> Please VOTE:
> [+1] yeah, let's ship it
> [+0] meh, don't care
> [-1] no, because I found a ${showstopper}
> The VOTE is open for 72h
> A special thanks to all who put their hard time into making this release 
> possible!
> txs and LieGrue,
> the Apache OpenWebBeans team

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