Hi, Nevermind ignore the below error.

Here's my +1 to release.  Tested w/ Hammock and DeltaSpike looks good
(still that dependency issue in servlet but not a big deal).

BTW, I have a JUG talk end of the month so will be extremely good to be
able to demo w/ OWB2 at that time.


On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 7:36 AM John D. Ament <johndam...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> I just pulled trunk and get this compilation error
> [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
> /Users/johnament/src/openwebbeans/webbeans-impl/src/main/java/org/apache/webbeans/boot/OwbSeContainerInitializer.java:[57,14]
> cannot find symbol
>   symbol:   class E
>   location: class org.apache.webbeans.boot.OwbSeContainerInitializer
> /Users/johnament/src/openwebbeans/webbeans-impl/src/main/java/org/apache/webbeans/boot/OwbSeContainerInitializer.java:[57,57]
> lambda body is neither value nor void compatible
> /Users/johnament/src/openwebbeans/webbeans-impl/src/main/java/org/apache/webbeans/boot/OwbSeContainerInitializer.java:[57,52]
> method map in interface java.util.stream.Stream<T> cannot be applied to
> given types;
>   required: java.util.function.Function<? super java.lang.Class<? extends
> javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension>,? extends R>
>   found: (c)->{ try[...]; } }
>   reason: cannot infer type-variable(s) R
>     (argument mismatch; bad return type in lambda expression
>       missing return value)
> On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 7:21 AM Mark Struberg <strub...@yahoo.de> wrote:
>> Good afternoon!
>> We are proud to call a VOTE on releasing Apache OpenWebBeans-2.0.0
>> This is an implementation of the CDI-2.0 specification (JSR-365) which
>> just got released.
>> We already tested it with DeltaSpike, BVal and quite a few other
>> projects, and it really looks fine so far!
>> Besides implenting CDI-2.0 the following bugs and enhancements got fixed
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310844&version=12333257
>> Sub-task
>>         • [OWB-1185] - implement Annotated#getAnnotations
>>         • [OWB-1186] - update logic for bootstrapping-events
>>         • [OWB-1187] - implement configurators
>>         • [OWB-1188] - implement async events
>>         • [OWB-1189] - add new parts to the event-api
>>         • [OWB-1190] - implement java-se support
>>         • [OWB-1192] - update logic for Instance
>>         • [OWB-1193] - implement InterceptionFactory
>> Bug
>>         • [OWB-1179] - OWB-Arquillian scanner doesn't ignore classes with
>> ClassNotFound and NoClassDefFound
>>         • [OWB-1183] - OWB-Arquillian does not supports implicit bean
>> discovery mode
>>         • [OWB-1184] - arquillian connector doesn't support BDAs
>>         • [OWB-1196] - Signed classes can't be proxied:
>> java.lang.SecurityException: class "com.Foo$$OwbNormalScopeProxy0"'s signer
>> information does not match signer information of other classes in the same
>> package
>>         • [OWB-1197] - OwbSWClassLoader creates wrong URL
>> Improvement
>>         • [OWB-1135] - Remove duplication for openwebbeans/Messages
>>         • [OWB-1195] - do a codestyle analysis check and apply fidings
>> before releasing OWB-2.0.0
>> Task
>>         • [OWB-1087] - fix failing integration tests with java 8
>>         • [OWB-1182] - Implement the CDI-2.0 API
>> The staging repo is here
>> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheopenwebbeans-1030/
>> The Source release can be found here
>> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheopenwebbeans-1030/org/apache/openwebbeans/openwebbeans/2.0.0/
>> Please VOTE:
>> [+1] yeah, let's ship it
>> [+0] meh, don't care
>> [-1] no, because I found a ${showstopper}
>> The VOTE is open for 72h
>> A special thanks to all who put their hard time into making this release
>> possible!
>> txs and LieGrue,
>> the Apache OpenWebBeans team

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