+1 to what Matt has said. I've had this feedback multiple times from
developers that the usage of Scala is a barrier to getting involved in the
project. I understand the historical reasons for chosing Scala and realise
the language does give us lots of benefits for stability & productivity
once learnt. However, for new projects I'd +1 on using Go in the future.

On Mon, 15 Jul 2019 at 17:20, Matt Rutkowski <mrutkow...@apache.org> wrote:

> IMO, one of the largest barriers to getting more (back-end) developers
> into OW has been the use of Scala (sig. learning curve will not even
> consider mounting) is by implementing in languages where the pool of active
> developers is lower.  It seems that nearly 100% of Serverless technology
> "in the open" is being done in GoLang.  If we wish to attract developers
> from Knative, OpenFaaS, Kubeless, Fission, Fn, IronFunctions, etc., they
> ALL use Go (which is not surprising as everyone is more-or-less looking at
> a Kube stack, also Go, for CN apps with Serverless being a subset).
> Personally, after experiencing Go, for wskdeploy/CLI it was a joy to learn
> (despite some tooling annoyances) and have listed it as a top requirement
> developers training. In fact, I had assumed that as we seek to mainstream
> on a Kube deployment we would want to unify around Go to continue to be
> relevant in the Serverless developer community in order to lower the
> barrier to entry/growth.
> My 2 cents.
> On 2019/07/15 09:58:58, "Michele Sciabarra" <mich...@sciabarra.com>
> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > In my efforts to work a Kanative Whisk, I reached the point where I have
> a kit with tekton-pipelines, knatve-serving building an actionlooop based
> runtime. Now I need to implement a controller, in order to use the existing
> wsk tooling.
> >
> > I know there is a prototype kwsk implementation made by redhat,  written
> in Go but looks like it is obsolete and unfinished, and to the best of my
> knowledge, abandoned.
> >
> > I would like to resume the effort of writing an updated controller. I
> actually already have a prototype using the Julia language. Julia is really
> awesome, Python simplicity and Go speed, but I feed the community would
> disagree on using Julia.  Of course if I am wrong... let me know because
> that would be my preferred choice.
> >
> > However, I feel that,  given our Scala background, Rust would be a much
> better choice for the KnativeWhisk controller.  So I propose to use Rust
> for the KwhiskController.
> >
> > What does the community think of the proposal?
> >
> >
> > --
> >   Michele Sciabarra
> >   mich...@sciabarra.com
> >

James Thomas

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