Then help me guys! I am reading the source of the CommonBalancer to find how to 
ensure I can always hit the same action and the container is unpaused when I 
want to debug one. 

  Michele Sciabarra

----- Original message -----
From: Carlos Santana <>
Subject: Re: Preview of a OpenWhisk IDE & Debugger... and an help request
Date: Saturday, February 01, 2020 7:54 PM

Very cool feature and demo Michele +1

- Carlos Santana

> On Jan 31, 2020, at 8:38 AM, Michele Sciabarra <> wrote:
> Hello Whiskers,
> I am working  on an integrated IDE & Debugger for OpenWhisk using the 
> ActionLoop runtime, the standalone OpenWhisk and Eclipse Theia. This would be 
> complementary to the existing wskdebug for Javascript and Java, as this works 
> now for Typescript and I plan to add to other actionloop based runtimes.
> You can see a demo here:
> I am using the standalone Openwhisk and Eclipse Theia, the in-browser 
> vscode-like editor that can be deployed as a docker container.
> The mechanic is simple: when I deploy an action I pass an additional 
> environment variable __OW_DEBUG_PORT
> The runtime when it sees this environment variable starts under a debugger.
> I can then ask to the runtime the parameters to connect to the debugger and I 
> use this to connect to the debugger,  as you can see in the demo.
> I adapted the upcoming typescript runtime to do this,  but I plan to do 
> similar changes also for other action loop based runtimes, like go and 
> python. Also I am using a Makefile to start the environment but I am working 
> on a standalone openwhisk-ide launcher. Unless we add the feature “ide" to 
> the wsk cli 🙂, if you like the idea...
> I have a couple of problems to solve and I am asking for help. The first 
> problem is that I need to invoke an action twice as the first time the 
> debugger does not attach. I guess it is because the image is paused. So I 
> wonder if it is possible to enable an option that does not pause the 
> container while running using the standalone openwhisk. And the second  
> problem is that sometimes I get more than one instance of an action. This 
> happens when I redeploy. I wonder if it is possible to force the Lean 
> Balancer to use only one instance of an action.
> All of this of course are options only for development purposes but I think 
> in this way OpenWhisk would be the ONLY serverless to include also an IDE 
> with debugger ready to go. No more “serverless actions are hard to debug”.
> -- 
>  Michele Sciabarra

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