Thank you for the details.
It seems what you are tying now is similar with our approach and can be
aligned with ours too as it is generic like you said.

We enabled the debugging of Nodejs runtime with chrome DevTools protocol
Our UI communicates with the real remote OW deployment.
We implemented one proxy server to correlate a debugging session with a
corresponding action container.
Since each action container is not exposed to public, we also have a bridge
component on each invoker machine for location transparency.

If I understood correctly, each container will connect to the IDE in a
reverse way in your version and similarly it connects to the proxy via
bridge in our version.
SoI think two versions can coexist, if we make the interface extensible.

Maybe I can share more details at this interchange call.

Best regards

2020년 2월 3일 (월) 오후 4:47, Michele Sciabarra <>님이 작성:

> Hi Dominic
> the preliminary work I did was already submitted as a PR to build a
> standalone docker image (that is critical for my design).
> The rest the work is here:
> and uses the (upcoming) typescript runtime here
> But do not
> use it yet as it is pretty much work in progress, no documentation nor it
> is even remotely stable.
> The key idea is to leverage the fact that actionloop launches a process
> for each action, and I am simplying putting the process in debug mode. Then
> I am using Eclipse Theia, that is vscode in a browser,
> as an editor and  debugger interface.
> The key problem I have is to connect the action running under a debugger
> (problem solved) with the debugger client. So far I am just starting the
> action , asking to the action its IP and then connecting to it with the
> debugger. Problem is that the action may have a different IP
> I am now in the process of trying a different approach, where I
> communicate to the action the IP of the IDE and ask to the action to
> connect back, maybe creating a tunnel. In this way it could work in a more
> generic way, even with a production whisk, as the only requirement will be
> to have the client (that is itself a docker container) reachable by the
> action.
> --
>   Michele Sciabarra
> ----- Original message -----
> From: Dominic Kim <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Preview of a OpenWhisk IDE & Debugger... and an help request
> Date: Monday, February 03, 2020 7:07 AM
> Hi Michele.
> Thank you for sharing great works.
> We here(Naver) are also using a web based debugging feature and I would
> like to align ours with yours.
> Is there any reference that I can follow up your works?
> Did you open any PR?
> And I want to share our version at this tech interchange call.
> Best regards
> Dominic
> 2020년 2월 2일 (일) 오전 7:02, Michele Sciabarra <>님이 작성:
> > Great suggestion. I know how to pass configuration parameters, what is
> the
> > configuration to set?
> >
> > --
> >   Michele Sciabarra
> >
> >
> > ----- Original message -----
> > From: Rodric Rabbah <>
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Preview of a OpenWhisk IDE & Debugger... and an help request
> > Date: Saturday, February 01, 2020 8:35 PM
> >
> > > The first problem is that I need to invoke an action twice as the first
> > time the debugger does not attach. I guess it is because the image is
> > paused.
> >
> > Did you try to change the pause grace configuration to an max int.
> >
> > -r
> >

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