
2010/1/28  <a...@swmc.com>:
> I like the idea.  The question is... are there are enough people willing
> to dedicate the time to code this?

I guess the original proposal was to start this effort as a Google
Summer of Code (GSoC) project during next summer. That would give us a
dedicated student working on the code, but we'd need to have someone
from the PDFBox team who's ready to invest enough time and effort in
mentoring the student through the summer.

I've been a GSoC mentor a few times before, and it's quite rewarding
especially if you have a motivated and skilled student to work with.
However, effective mentoring does require consistent effort through
the summer (I estimate some 2 hours per week) and unfortunately at
least I can't promise to have enough extra cycles for that this year.


Jukka Zitting

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