Am I reading the tallies correctly?

0.98: pass with four +1s
1.0: pass with four +1s
1.1: fail with two +1s
1.2: pass with three +1s, one -1, and one non-binding -1

This presumes I did not miss a vote cancellation from a release manager
(which I've done in the past, tbf).

As an aside, could we do these as a single vote in the future?

Sean Busbey
On Jul 18, 2016 17:47, "Josh Elser" <> wrote:

> Thanks for the response, Andrew!
> I've started knocking out the source-release issues. Will put up a patch
> with how far I get tonight.
> Andrew Purtell wrote:
>> With PMC hat on I am -1 releasing with known policy violations. This is
>> the same position I took when it was HBase releases at issue. Option 1 is
>> not a good option. Let's go with another.
>> On Jul 18, 2016, at 1:53 PM, Josh Elser<>  wrote:
>>> (Moving this over to its own thread to avoid bogging down the VOTE
>>> further)
>>> PMC, what say you? I have cycles to work on this now.
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: Re: [VOTE] Release of Apache Phoenix 4.8.0-HBase-1.2 RC0
>>> Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 14:43:54 -0400
>>> From: Josh Elser<>
>>> To:
>>> Sean Busbey wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 12:05 PM, Ankit Singhal
>>>> <>   wrote:
>>>>> Now we have three options to go forward with 4.8 release (or whether to
>>>>> include licenses and notices for the dependency used now or later):-
>>>>> *Option 1:- Go with this RC0 for 4.8 release.*
>>>>>         -- As the build is functionally good and stable.
>>>>>         -- It has been delayed already and there are some project
>>>>> which are
>>>>> relying on this(as 4.8 works with HBase 1.2)
>>>>>         -- We have been releasing like this from past few releases.
>>>>>         -- RC has binding votes required for go head.
>>>>>         -- Fix license and notice issue in future releases.
>>>> I would *strongly* recommend the PMC not take Option 1's course of
>>>> action. ASF policy on necessary licensing work is very clear.
>>>> Additionally, if the current LICENSE/NOTICE work is sufficiently
>>>> inaccurate that it fails to meet the licensing requirements of bundled
>>>> works then the PMC will have moved from accidental nonconformance in
>>>> prior releases to knowingly violating the licenses of those works in
>>>> this release. Reading the JIRAs that Josh was helpful enough to file,
>>>> it sounds like the current artifacts would in fact violate the
>>>> licenses of bundled works.
>>> In case my opinions weren't already brutally clear: the issue is not the
>>> functionality of the software "Apache Phoenix". This issue is that this
>>> release candidate clearly violates ASF policy. Quite certainly option
>>> one would result in escalation to the board -- I don't know how that
>>> will play out. It's not meant to be a threat, either, but a reality.
>>> This is one of the core responsibilities of the PMC. There really isn't
>>> any wiggle room.
>>> I can start knocking out the issues I created -- I really don't think
>>> this will take more than a day or two for the source release and the
>>> binary artifact.

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