
We also need to get away from Guava's Service interface for replication
endpoint plugins using this same approach (#2): HBASE-15982

On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 10:37 AM, Gary Helmling <ghelml...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >
> >
> > My current feeling is that external API should never include
> > classes/interfaces which you don't "own". Re-building the API that
> > already exists is pedantic, but I think it's a really good way to pay
> > down the maintenance debt (whenever the next metrics library "hotness"
> > takes off).
> >
> >
> +1 to this.  I'd be very hesitant to tie ourselves too strongly to a
> specific implementation, even if it is just copying an interface.
> For coprocessors specifically, I think we can start with a limited API
> exposing common metric types and evolve it from there.  But starting simple
> seems key.
> So #2 seems like the right approach to me.

Best regards,

   - Andy

Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. - Piet Hein
(via Tom White)

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