If making Pig Thread safe (i.e.: two threads running a different pig script) is 
important then we need to change some of the APIs from static singleton access 
to a dependency injection pattern.
In that case, this should probably be done before 1.0
For example: UDFContext should be passed to the UDF after construction (similar 
to the SevrletContext in Servlet or the way Hadoop passes the context to tasks)
Also a clearly separated API that does not depend on the Pig implementation 
would help.
For example UDFContext is in org.apache.pig.impl.util when it would be better 
in org.apache.pig.api (Or at least an interface defining it)


On 1/24/11 10:14 AM, "Olga Natkovich" <ol...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:

Hi Guys,

I think it is time for us to have another meeting. Yahoo would be happy to host 
if this works for everybody. How about Wednesday, 2/9 4-6 pm. Please, let us 
know if you are planning to attend and if the date/time works for you.

Things that come to mind to discuss and as always feel free to suggest others:

-          Error handling proposal - this might be easier to finalize 
-          Pig 0.9 plan
-          Pig Roadmap beyond 0.9
o        What do we want to do in Pig.next?
o        Are we ready for Pig 1.0


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