Hi Chris,

>Copy the build.xml file (and any others that you need to modify) into the 
>'/pivot/jenkins' SVN directory, and edit the copied files as required. When 
>'/pivot/jenkins' is checked out (after first checking out '/pivot/trunk'), it 
>will overwrite the versions from trunk.
It's true ... good trick.
Oh no, there is a problem, all things downloaded from jenkins, are put
in a "module" folder called (in jenkins config, by me) jenkins,
otherwise we get the SVN error of the previous build (something like
"multiple tree of sources in the same folder"), so it isn't a real
merge of both tree of sources.
So at the moment there isn't a simple solution ... maybe we could do
the contrary, assifn a module "pivot", or "trunk" to all sources from
trunk, and the empty module "." to things under the jenkins folder,
and set (only in jenkins builds of course) its copy of buil files
primary, and include out "standard" build file to avoid duplicate many
things (and in this way maybe our "standard" build file will never
know to be called from another build file), and handle some
jenkins-only things only in that new "primary" build file ... could
work, but don't know if it's a right approach, but for example in
lucene-solr on jenkins I've seen something like this yesterday.
What do you think ? Good tests :-) ...
At least we can wait next week (after the re-tag of 2.0.1) and make
all changes in main build files ... but all this stuff is really
interesting to solve, so why not try ? :-)

>It is also possible to disable the email notifications until the build is 
>configured properly and stable.
>https://builds.apache.org/job/Pivot-trunk/configure --> Post-build Actions --> 
>E-mail Notification
Yes, probably it's better. And now you have to re-enable automatic
builds for Pivot-trunk there.

>I will hopefully have a little free time tonight or at the weekend, so can 
>play around with this if you want.  But I am also happy to leave it to you and 
>stay out of the way! :)
Don't worry for this week-end I have only some hour, and then I can go
forward from next tuesday, so if you want to try no problem ... for a
fast start I'll commit my work copy of both build files in the jenkins
folder, so you can get and user/modify them.
You can even checkout in youe eclipse workspace (it's a "fake" eclipse
project), just for convenience.
To finish the work you'd have to add jar files present under the new
folder to the classpath (it will be merged in Jenkins workspace under
the folder /jenkins/ci-builds-on-jenkins , but only when the jenkins
evn var is present ... and maybe even plugin.jar and javaws.jar from

>You are doing a good job so far.
Thanks, as always simple things are never so-simple :-) ...

Keep me updated.

Ok, so I have some hour now to better investigate a (very strange) bug
with JRE 7 (32 bit and 64 bit) on Windows 7 and all browsers, I
discovered it yesterday running our wars from a local Tomcat, and in
summary: when using http nothing works, applets doesn't finish to
load, and even Web Start Demos doesn't load ... congratulations to
Oracle for this. But loading pages from the local filesystem (for
example via dragging them in a browser) all works.
I'll write a mail on this in a few hour, to dev and users, it's a very
important thing to know, and maybe someone at Oracle can fix it in the
Update 1 (I hope).


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