OK, so it was not as easy as I thought!  The build file trick sounds
like it will work, but there are probably lots of different ways to
solve this that we just don't realise yet.

If I have time at the weekend, I will play around with it.  I am
interested in this and would like to get it set up, but it is not a
really high priority I suppose.

The Java7 applet thing doesn't sound good .  Let me know if I can help
trying to reproduce it.


On 27 August 2011 01:06, Sandro Martini <sandro.mart...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
>>Copy the build.xml file (and any others that you need to modify) into the 
>>'/pivot/jenkins' SVN directory, and edit the copied files as required. When 
>>'/pivot/jenkins' is checked out (after first checking out '/pivot/trunk'), it 
>>will overwrite the versions from trunk.
> It's true ... good trick.
> Oh no, there is a problem, all things downloaded from jenkins, are put
> in a "module" folder called (in jenkins config, by me) jenkins,
> otherwise we get the SVN error of the previous build (something like
> "multiple tree of sources in the same folder"), so it isn't a real
> merge of both tree of sources.
> So at the moment there isn't a simple solution ... maybe we could do
> the contrary, assifn a module "pivot", or "trunk" to all sources from
> trunk, and the empty module "." to things under the jenkins folder,
> and set (only in jenkins builds of course) its copy of buil files
> primary, and include out "standard" build file to avoid duplicate many
> things (and in this way maybe our "standard" build file will never
> know to be called from another build file), and handle some
> jenkins-only things only in that new "primary" build file ... could
> work, but don't know if it's a right approach, but for example in
> lucene-solr on jenkins I've seen something like this yesterday.
> What do you think ? Good tests :-) ...
> At least we can wait next week (after the re-tag of 2.0.1) and make
> all changes in main build files ... but all this stuff is really
> interesting to solve, so why not try ? :-)
>>It is also possible to disable the email notifications until the build is 
>>configured properly and stable.
>>https://builds.apache.org/job/Pivot-trunk/configure --> Post-build Actions 
>>--> E-mail Notification
> Yes, probably it's better. And now you have to re-enable automatic
> builds for Pivot-trunk there.
>>I will hopefully have a little free time tonight or at the weekend, so can 
>>play around with this if you want.  But I am also happy to leave it to you 
>>and stay out of the way! :)
> Don't worry for this week-end I have only some hour, and then I can go
> forward from next tuesday, so if you want to try no problem ... for a
> fast start I'll commit my work copy of both build files in the jenkins
> folder, so you can get and user/modify them.
> You can even checkout in youe eclipse workspace (it's a "fake" eclipse
> project), just for convenience.
> To finish the work you'd have to add jar files present under the new
> folder to the classpath (it will be merged in Jenkins workspace under
> the folder /jenkins/ci-builds-on-jenkins , but only when the jenkins
> evn var is present ... and maybe even plugin.jar and javaws.jar from
> JAVA_HOME/jre/lib
>>You are doing a good job so far.
> Thanks, as always simple things are never so-simple :-) ...
> Keep me updated.
> Ok, so I have some hour now to better investigate a (very strange) bug
> with JRE 7 (32 bit and 64 bit) on Windows 7 and all browsers, I
> discovered it yesterday running our wars from a local Tomcat, and in
> summary: when using http nothing works, applets doesn't finish to
> load, and even Web Start Demos doesn't load ... congratulations to
> Oracle for this. But loading pages from the local filesystem (for
> example via dragging them in a browser) all works.
> I'll write a mail on this in a few hour, to dev and users, it's a very
> important thing to know, and maybe someone at Oracle can fix it in the
> Update 1 (I hope).
> Bye

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