Hi Tim,

I've made that changes on purpose, as I wanted to make the EMF API similar to 
the WMF one.

> oap.hemf.extractor.HemfExtractor -> oap.hemf.usermodel.HemfPicture
All (?) our user models are called by their content and being similar to WMF, I 
had to rename the class.

> HwmfRecord.getRecordType() -> getWmfRecordType()
The EMF records extends the WMF records, so this makes it more clear what kind 
of record type to ask for.

> oap.hemf.record.AbstractHemfComment -> oap.hemf.record.hemf.Comment
> oap.hemf.record.HemfRecord -> oap.h.r.emf.HemfRecord
As both sets (emf and emfplus) contain quite a few records, I've decided to 
split their packages.

I'm now looking at the other (not yet resolved) issues you opened.


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