Hi team,

For PIP 198: Standardize PR Naming Convention using GitHub Actions [1]

How to define [type] and [scope]? Do these abbreviations LGTY?

*[Guide] Pulsar Pull Request Naming Convention* [2] contains everything
about the definition. Feel free to check and comment!



PR title format: [type][scope] Summary [3]



1. Definition: what actions do you take?

2. It must be one of the following:
- feat (abbr for "feature")
- improve
- fix
- cleanup
- refactor
- revert



1. Definition: where do you make changes?

2. It must be one of the following:
- admin (changes to pulsar-admin, REST API, Java admin API)
- broker
- io
- deploy
- dep (abbr for dependency)
- fcn (abbr for function)
- monitor
- pkg (abbr for package)
- proxy
- schema
- sec (abbr for security)
- sql
- ts (abbr for tiered storage)
- tool
- txn (abbr for transaction)

- java (changes to Java client)
- cpp (changes to C++ client)
- py (changes to Python client)
- ws (changes to WebSocket)
- rest (changes to REST)

- test
- ci
- workflow
- build
- misc (abbr for miscellaneous)

- doc
- blog
- site (abbr for website)


Besides, many developers have different opinions on the following aspects.
What's your writing preference?

- Submit breaking changes
[feat][broker]! Support xx

- Submit PIP changes
[feat][broker] PIP-198: Support xx

- Cherry pick changes [4]
Choice A: [fix][broker][branch-2.9] xxx
Choice B: [fix][broker] xxx. And add "cherry pick xxx to branch-2.9" in the
PR description.


Feel free to comment and make your voice heard. Go vote! Thank you!

[2] https://lists.apache.org/thread/90rcjf1dv0fbkb5hm31kmgr65fj0nfnn


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