As for the type candidates:

LGTM. No comment here.

As for the scope candidates:

+1 for dep -> deps
+1 for fcn -> fn
  Among most communities and language conventions, the abbr of function is
fn (Rust), fun (Erlang), or func (Golang). No fcn IIRC. I'd prefer the
short one, fn.
+1 for ts -> offloader
  If I get it right, tiered storage is offloader. We can save one word
while keeping semantic.

I don't know clearly what is:
* pkg
* tool
* deploy
* ci
* workflow
* build
They look quite similar or overlapping.

Rest LGTM.

As for the remaining issues:

- Submit breaking changes
[feat][broker]! Support xx

This is fine. Since we don't verify what follows the [type][scope] section,
it doesn't block the proposal.

- Submit PIP changes
[feat][broker] PIP-198: Support xx

The same as before. Contributors can name whatever they like. We don't set
too complex rules.

- Cherry pick changes [4]
Choice A: [fix][broker][branch-2.9] xxx
Choice B: [fix][broker] xxx. And add "cherry pick xxx to branch-2.9" in the
PR description.

I'd prefer [fix][broker][BP-2.9] to save some letters. This is how the
Flink community does. BP means backport. But yes, it's not a requirement
but a suggestion.


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