It's different to

1. be compatible with JDK 21
2. switch the runtime to JDK 21

The latter means we can break compatibility with early JRE.

I totally support to be compatible with JDK 21 and saw your PRs to upgrade
mockito version for so. But perhaps it's better to wait a bit for users
feedback of using JRE21.

To ensure the compatibility, we can add a build CI job with JDK21

mattison chao <>于2023年10月18日 周三19:37写道:

> Thanks for your answer.
> > We have the PIP, but that doesn't answer the question about the current
> schedule and plan for Pulsar 3.2 . There have been delays in past release
> schedules so the PIP document doesn't really provide a great answer to
> timeline. When is it time to start discussing the 3.2 release? We have the
> goal of releasing every 3 months.
> 3.1.x first release on August 14. In my opinion, we can start 3.2.x now
> because it’s the third month. Plus, The last three weeks of this month will
> be the code freeze period.
> > As mentioned before, it's possible to separately delivery Java 21
> support:
> > - support Java 21 for running Pulsar (possibly already "works" without
> any changes in Pulsar, supporting this option is more effort)
> > - support Java 21 for developing/compiling, running tests of Pulsar
> > - switch from Java 17 language level to Java 21 in Pulsar server side
> components
> +1 for your steps.
> Best,
> Mattison
> > On 18 Oct 2023, at 19:16, Lari Hotari <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> >> 1. What are the significant benefits of upgrading?
> >
> > There are 2 parts to how Java 21 could be supported. One level is that
> we simply add support for developing and running Pulsar on Java 21 runtime
> without switching the language level of the Pulsar components. This is how
> Java 11 was used in Pulsar in the past while all code in the Pulsar code
> base was kept at Java 8 language level.
> >
> > One clear benefit of upgrading is staying current and keeping Pulsar
> relevant for the future and the years to come.
> >
> > The performance improvements of the Java runtime between 17 and 21 don't
> seem to be significant in most cases. We won't know exactly what the
> improvement is for Pulsar until we run benchmarks and do a comparison. I'd
> expect it to be in the range of 1-5%.
> >
> > The benefits of the language changes in Java 21 (since Java 17) is a
> different discussion and I won't go into that in this email.
> >
> >> 2. We should define some rules for using the new feature by JDK21
> before upgrading.  Especially for the virtual thread. We can't make thread
> management worse.
> >
> > Sure, that's a valid question to discuss if we were to switch the
> language level from Java 17 to Java 21. We had similar discussions about
> the tradeoffs when we switched the language level from Java 8 to Java 17 in
> Pulsar server side components.
> >
> >>> Could anyone update me on the current schedule for Pulsar 3.2?
> >>
> >> The community has already followed the LTS release process. You can
> check the PIP[0] to get more information.
> >
> > We have the PIP, but that doesn't answer the question about the current
> schedule and plan for Pulsar 3.2 . There have been delays in past release
> schedules so the PIP document doesn't really provide a great answer to
> timeline. When is it time to start discussing the 3.2 release? We have the
> goal of releasing every 3 months.
> >
> > I don't think that it makes sense to do a Java 21 upgrade until we are
> preparing the next Pulsar LTS release. It's better to do it earlier if we'd
> like to target Java 21 support for the next Pulsar LTS release since that's
> a way to make sure that it's really hardened for the LTS release.
> >
> > As mentioned before, it's possible to separately delivery Java 21
> support:
> > - support Java 21 for running Pulsar (possibly already "works" without
> any changes in Pulsar, supporting this option is more effort)
> > - support Java 21 for developing/compiling, running tests of Pulsar
> > - switch from Java 17 language level to Java 21 in Pulsar server side
> components
> >
> > I hope we could continue the discussion and come up with some consensus
> about the coarse timelines. The time horizon could be in multiple years if
> that's what makes sense.
> > Oracle's Java 17 LTS premier support ends in Sep 2026, so I assume that
> we would make the decision before that. :)
> >
> > -Lari
> >
> >
> > On 2023/10/18 02:30:26 mattison chao wrote:
> >> Hi, Lari
> >>
> >>> Do you think we can target the switch from Java 17 to Java 21 for the
> Pulsar 3.2 release?
> >>
> >> I think we should consider some things:
> >>
> >> 1. What are the significant benefits of upgrading?
> >> 2. We should define some rules for using the new feature by JDK21
> before upgrading.  Especially for the virtual thread. We can't make thread
> management worse.
> >>
> >>> Could anyone update me on the current schedule for Pulsar 3.2?
> >>
> >> The community has already followed the LTS release process. You can
> check the PIP[0] to get more information.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> [0] -
> >>
> >> Best,
> >> Mattison
> >>
> >>> On 18 Oct 2023, at 06:02, Lari Hotari <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Dear Pulsar community,
> >>>
> >>> Java 21 was released on September 19th and has now become the current
> Java LTS release.
> >>>
> >>> I've begun preparations in the Pulsar code base to allow for Java 21
> to be used as the development runtime for compiling the code and running
> tests in the master branch. This is a proactive measure to gear up for Java
> 21 without committing to the switch just yet. It will help us understand
> the necessary changes when we are able to compile the code and run all
> tests with Java 21.
> >>>
> >>> For instance, I initiated the process with the following PRs:
> >>> - Upgrade Mockito to 5.6.0 to support Java 21 [1]
> >>> - Upgrade Gradle Enterprise Maven Extension to support Java 21 [2]
> >>> After these are merged, it should be possible to start running tests
> with Java 21 to see what is possibly broken and continue iterating.
> >>> Moreover, the upgrade to Lombok 1.18.30 for Java 21 support has
> already been merged [3].
> >>>
> >>> Java 17 has been the recommended runtime for Pulsar server components
> since the Pulsar 2.11 release [4]. Meanwhile, the Pulsar client continues
> to be supported on Java 8+.
> >>>
> >>> I would like to initiate discussions about making Java 21 the
> recommended and default runtime for Pulsar server components. Note that
> there will be no change to the Pulsar client, which will remain on Java 8+.
> >>>
> >>> I guess we could come up with a PIP to document the decision once we
> have had this discussion.
> >>>
> >>> Do you think we can target the switch from Java 17 to Java 21 for the
> Pulsar 3.2 release?
> >>> Could anyone update me on the current schedule for Pulsar 3.2?
> >>>
> >>> -Lari
> >>>
> >>> [1] -
> >>> [2] -
> >>> [3] -
> >>> [4] -
> >>
> >>

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