Aidan Skinner wrote:
The Java client uses JMS for this to an extent, but we still need a
way of exposing AMQP specific things in ways that are as version
independent as possible (such as the mandatory flag).
I can see that there is value in reaching out to developers who have JMS code or who wish to retain JMS capability, *please* don't hobble Java users who want the full-fat qpid experience by making everything fit with JMS. Case in point: the Java client for postgres is annoyingly limited as soon as you want to receive async notifications and so on. I would much prefer the most efficient and direct mapping to AMQP facilities
possible in each language, and an adapter to legacy APIs.

Sun's failure to consider interoperability with other language environments continues
to haunt it. :-(  There is much to learn from ActiveMQ interoperability.

There are lots of JMS implementations. My own interest in AMQP is largely driven
by it NOT being JMS - so there is a chance that my C#, Python and C++ code
can be first class citizens. Clearly other people will have different priorities. I'm interested to know why a (happy) JMS user would be interested in AMQP though: JMS has things which are handy in Java but will be awkward in a heterogeneous

Perhaps something to consider is trying to make the C/C++ client as lightweight as possible and having a reference SWIG wrapper. In this case I would ideally look for the client to be 'passive' and allow the host to do raw connection establishment and raw IO so it acts as a protocol engine and avoid issues of event loop integration
and so on.


Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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