Robert Greig wrote:
JMS may not be perfect but I can just about guarantee that most of the
apps written in Java for Qpid using the JMS API will work just fine
when we release a Qpid broker than supports the 1-0 protocol. Who's
feeling confident about Python??
I'm surprised about that. Do you think jdbc provides similar portability? The API might be pretty common, but there is no way on earth that makes non-trivial
code portable between Sybase and PostgreSQL, for example - and nor even
does sticking hibernate on top to generate SQL for you help either, for that matter.
In that particular case the Big Deal will be the concurrency model more than
anything else, followed by subtleties relating to careful use of update-in-place
and index coverage (from the perspective of starting with Sybase anyway).

I would have thought that differences in the semantics of message ack batching, fan-out, authentication, subscription etc will be subtle but ultimately irreconcilable, and the ability to use a familiar JMS API will be a portability benefit in theory more
than in practice.

Time will tell. Clearly there is a body that want JMS with an ability to get at
AMQP facilities, and a body that want to write an AMQP application that
happens to use Java.

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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