On Wed, 2009-11-11 at 16:29 -0500, Andrew Stitcher wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-11-11 at 15:50 -0500, Ted Ross wrote:
> > Full SASL authentication/encryption capability for the Python client was 
> > added to the trunk at revision 834975.
> > 
> > A new Python module "qpidsasl" implemented in C++ and wrapped for Python 
> > using Swig was introduced.  This wrapper provides a generalized binding 
> > to the Cyrus SASL library.  The Python client tries to import this 
> > module.  If it cannot find it, it will revert to built-in capability 
> > that only provides ANONYMOUS and PLAIN authentication mechanisms.
> This would appear to not really be connected with qpid itself, but
> rather be a (very) useful addition to the python (and ruby) libraries.
> I'd say it would actually be better and more generally useful (for other
> applications) to put this code in an entirely separate repository from
> qpid and for it to distributed entirely separately from qpid. And so to
> remove the qpid element of its name.

Specifically I'd add that its location in the source tree is not correct
in my mind - it is not really any part of the c++ implementation of the
amqp protocol and it is not a binding to a any qpid library so putting
it in cpp/bindings is more confusing than not.

It also adds to an already complex c++ build.

I'd prefer to see it moved to its own top level directory until we can
put it outside qpid altogether. Say in "sasl".


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