Andrew Stitcher wrote:
On Wed, 2009-11-11 at 16:29 -0500, Andrew Stitcher wrote:
On Wed, 2009-11-11 at 15:50 -0500, Ted Ross wrote:
Full SASL authentication/encryption capability for the Python client was added to the trunk at revision 834975.

A new Python module "qpidsasl" implemented in C++ and wrapped for Python using Swig was introduced. This wrapper provides a generalized binding to the Cyrus SASL library. The Python client tries to import this module. If it cannot find it, it will revert to built-in capability that only provides ANONYMOUS and PLAIN authentication mechanisms.
This would appear to not really be connected with qpid itself, but
rather be a (very) useful addition to the python (and ruby) libraries.

I'd say it would actually be better and more generally useful (for other
applications) to put this code in an entirely separate repository from
qpid and for it to distributed entirely separately from qpid. And so to
remove the qpid element of its name.

Specifically I'd add that its location in the source tree is not correct
in my mind - it is not really any part of the c++ implementation of the
amqp protocol and it is not a binding to a any qpid library so putting
it in cpp/bindings is more confusing than not.

It also adds to an already complex c++ build.

I'd prefer to see it moved to its own top level directory until we can
put it outside qpid altogether. Say in "sasl".
maybe create a util/sasl directory... I would not go to the effort of another package unless there is
a LOT of interest to do so


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