
The current excludes files needs a bit or re-org for sure.
I think two types of exclusions are needed.
1. Tests that run on either c++ , java broker or in-vm broker.
2. Tests that are specific to a particular protocol version.
3. Tests that are for a particular feature like clustering,
persistence, ssl, no-prefetch etc..

All this time the 0-10 excludes list worked well bcos the Java broker
was not 0-10 ready.
Therefore tests that cannot be run against the c++ broker was also
dumped into the 0-10 Excludes files.
Now the Java broker should run both 0-8 and 0-10 related tests (of
course in separate runs)

I guess the default profile should be tests that are
a) Not broker specific (or can be easily run against all brokers - or
is it all tests that can be run with an in-vm broker?)
b) Not protocol specific

And the rest worked out from there.
just my 2 cents.
What do you think?



On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 12:44 PM, Robbie Gemmell
<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have written a test that should only be run against the Java broker, but
> cant currently be run against the InVM broker. As a result I am looking to
> exclude it only from the InVM tests, but looking at the test profiles I dont
> think this is currently possible. There are some tests in the 08Excludes
> file that mention exclusion for InVM testing, but the default testprofile is
> pulling in the 08Excludes file in the main test.excludes property rather
> than the profile specific profile.excludes property, so this would appear to
> exclude the contained entries for all tests (Java InVM /Standalone, and C++)
> as if they were in the main Excludes file.
> From the naming I would expect the 08Excludes to affect both Standalone and
> InVM java brokers, and there is already a 08StandaloneExcludes file used in
> the profile.excludes property in the java testprofile, so I propose moving
> the 08Excludes into the profile.excludes property for default and java test
> profiles, and adding a a new 08InVMExcludes file to the profile.excludes
> property in default.testprofile.
> Does this seem agreeable to everyone?


Rajith Attapattu
Red Hat

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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