Robert Greig wrote:
I think the safest option is to expose your work through a series of JIRA's.
If we need to make the code available immediately and/or collaborate
with others we could create a branch.
You could work off the branch and then Ted could apply the patches as
an when they are made available.

I think this approach - creating patches and applying them to Jira is
very poor for several reasons:

1) it is a pain to create patches and attach them to jira (at least I think so)
2) it is a pain for a reviewer to extract them from the jira, review and commit
3) because of the above it encourages the large code drops that we
have discussed recently

Is it not possible for us to create a branch and give Ken commit
rights *only* to the branch? As long as he has signed the CLA that
should be much simpler all round since someone just has to merge - Ken
could use Jiras or the mailing list to prompt a buddy to review and
merge at appropriate points.

For the rest of us who are interested in what is going on but not so
interested that we are willing to mess about with patches from Jira
this would be better too.

Steve, as someone who had to go through the process of jiras
relatively recently, would that have been easier for you?

In the ASF, unfortunately to give commit rights to anything we need to get through the
committer nomination and vote process.

He can hold a GIT and then update JIRA with patches as he goes and someone then has to take the patches from from JIRA due to lic issues on the JIRA click through.

best if for new people to be visible on the project and lists to get to committership.


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