As an even more recent committer than Steve, ill chime in too.

I don't think anyone would argue against it being easiest to have commit
rights from the get go, even if only to a branch. Attaching patches to JIRAs
does get a bit tiresome if they aren't picked up for a while, or if you
start tripping over previous patches while working on unrelated issues in
similar areas, meaning that they need to be applied in a particular order
etc. I was working back and forth all over the place and this still only
happened a couple times, Ken shouldn't have as much of an issue with that as
all the work is contained on the same issue towards the same goal.

Also, that's mostly only an issue when using SVN locally... Git really does
make the world a better place, especially when tracking a repository you
don't have commit rights to, as it's easy to maintain your own local (or
remote via git-hub) commits and branches. And if you are working on the same
issue in the same area all the time anyway, a sequential nature of patches
will emerge. I think a lot of the existing committers are using Git locally
now too, so it would be easy for Ken to generate a series of patches with
git-format-patch and attach them in a zip to JIRA, and then it's a similarly
simple one-off Git command for a reviewer to apply all of them at once. Then
once any of Kens patches were applied in SVN, Git will figure that out

So, yes it would have been easier...but tracking trunk is not necessarily
that big a hassle to someone using Git anyway. Also, the entire process sort
of helps with integration into the project and workflow required to be an
apache committer...and damnit, Steve has just beaten me as I typed way too
much lol ;)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Greig []
> Sent: 09 December 2009 20:25
> To:
> Subject: Re: [QMF] public github repo for QMFv2 api work
> Is it not possible for us to create a branch and give Ken commit
> rights *only* to the branch? As long as he has signed the CLA that
> should be much simpler all round since someone just has to merge - Ken
> could use Jiras or the mailing list to prompt a buddy to review and
> merge at appropriate points.
> For the rest of us who are interested in what is going on but not so
> interested that we are willing to mess about with patches from Jira
> this would be better too.
> Steve, as someone who had to go through the process of jiras
> relatively recently, would that have been easier for you?

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