I ran:

ant qa.run 

[java] -----------------------------------------
[java]    Date started:
[java]       Sat Mar 09 08:19:09 EST 2013
[java]    Installation directory of the JSK:
[java]       com.sun.jini.jsk.home=/Users/dreedy/dev/src/projects/river/qa-trunk
[java]    Installation directory of the harness:
[java]    Categories being tested:
[java]       categories=id loader policyprovider locatordiscovery activation 
config discoverymanager joinmanager url iiop jrmp reliability thread 
renewalmanager constraint export lookupdiscovery servicediscovery io security 
lookupservice renewalservice eventmailbox jeri start discoveryservice 
discoveryproviders javaspace txnmanager 
[java] -----------------------------------------
[java]    JVM information:
[java]       Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, 23.7-b01, 64 bit VM mode
[java]       Oracle Corporation
[java]    OS information:
[java]       Mac OS X, 10.7.5, x86_64


[java] # of tests started   = 1412
[java] # of tests completed = 1412
[java] # of tests skipped   = 46
[java] # of tests passed    = 1412
[java] # of tests failed    = 0
[java] -----------------------------------------
[java]    Date finished:
[java]       Sun Mar 10 00:45:27 EST 2013
[java]    Time elapsed:
[java]       59178 seconds

On Mar 9, 2013, at 840PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:

> Recent test failures:
> Solaris sparc:
>   com/sun/jini/test/impl/outrigger/matching/StressTestWithShutdown.td
> Ubuntu JDK7
> com/sun/jini/test/impl/outrigger/leasing/UseTxnMgrSpaceLeaseTestRenewCancel.td
>   com/sun/jini/test/spec/jrmp/jrmpexporter/Unexport_BehaviorTest2.td
>   com/sun/jini/test/spec/jrmp/jrmpexporter/Unexport_BehaviorTest3.td
>   com/sun/jini/test/spec/jrmp/jrmpexporter/Unexport_BehaviorTest4.td
> com/sun/jini/test/impl/outrigger/transaction/BlockingOnDeadTransactionTest.td
> Ubuntu Arm embedded
>   com/sun/jini/test/impl/outrigger/leasing/UseNotifyLeaseTestRenewShutdown.td
> Ubuntu jdk6
>   com/sun/jini/test/spec/javaspace/conformance/ExpirationNotifyTest.td
> There are some remaining issues relating to unsafe publication, identified by 
> find bugs (calling Thread.start() during construction), I'll fix these during 
> the week, the failed jrmpexporter tests simply seem to be tests starting 
> before previous tests sockets have been released by the OS.
> The remaining issues appear to be JavaSpace related.
> Regards,
> Peter.
> Dan Creswell wrote:
>> I'm headed back to the UK so can test OS X in a couple of days if
>> that's still useful...
>> On 7 March 2013 05:25, Peter Firmstone <j...@zeus.net.au> wrote:
>>> There are issues with some builds on Hudson, preventing test execution.
>>> Windows: a file can't be deleted in preparation for checkout, preventing
>>> build from executing.
>>> Solaris: BindException socket in use causes numerous test failures
>>> FreeBSD: BindException socket in use, prevents build from executing.
>>> OSX: offline.
>>> Apart from that, the tests are all passing on my Window's PC, Ubuntu x64 and
>>> ARM.
>>> I need people who can volunteer to run QA tests!
>>> I wasn't attempting to improve performance, recent bug fixes have resulted
>>> in the qa suite now finishing one hour earlier, which is a 6% performance
>>> increase.
>>> Apart from fixing test failures, I've also used FindBugs to fix:
>>>   * Javaspaces Outrigger: 13 multithreaded correctness bugs.
>>>   * Jini Platform: 5 inconsistent synchronization bugs.
>>>   * Jsk lib: 12 multithreaded correctness bugs.
>>>   * qa test suite: 20 multithreaded correctness bugs.
>>> Now's the time to checkout and run qa tests, then lets kick out a release.
>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/river/jtsk/skunk/qa_refactor/trunk
>>> or
>>> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/river/jtsk/skunk/qa_refactor/trunk
>>> Regards,
>>> Peter.

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