I'm not sure where I stand with regards to votes and what-not anymore, but
here's my opinion.  I think it's wise to do a quick release with the
minimum of changes in Right Now.  Particularly if those changes includes
the JDK7 fix.  Releasing as many changes as there are without more
consideration just feels too risky.  The greater need right now is to get
the bare minimum release out asap to fix some real-life issues.

That's not a comment on what I think the quality of all the trunk changes
are, it's just my gut feel.

To counter some of Greg's comments, if we trusted the old tests for
previous releases, then digging our way out of the hole is not hugely
difficult.  We just run the old tests against the new code to verify the
new code.  Then we run the new tests against an old release.  There will be
some additional due diligence needed to tie up loose ends and un-grey some
areas, but I think we can then have a good degree of confidence in both the
new tests and new code.

When that's done, I would suggest that it sounds like another release would
be due.  Then the source tree can be straightened out with the right bits
merged to the right branches and the right branches being created for the
right work streams.

I don't think that there is much value in debating the motives people have
had for the code they've written/changed.  As has been said before, we've
all got our own itches to scratch.  If there is a technical reason for
blocking some change then fine, but I don't believe that a lack of
benchmarks detailing some pain point is a reason to throw it out.
 Questioning the Why is often useful because it can aid a discussion and
guide us to what the real What should be, but I'm not sure that it will in
the case - then again, I've been wrong before...  So I think that it is a
good approach to modify the code so it follows the advice given in what
many would consider the "Concurrency Bible" - even if I can't prove that
the previous implementation was flawed in some way.

Dan has mentioned the policy (or lack of) with regards to what gets put
onto trunk and that is something that should really be discussed.  So some

- Is there a policy?
- Was it the right policy?
- Did we stick to the policy?
- What is a better policy?

Then everything else from Maven, to separate builds, to TaskManager
replacements (or not), to whatever else should just slot into place.

Lastly, I'm glad that the conversation has calmed down.  Thanks to both
Greg for not biting and Peter for responding in kind.  Your reactions to
what could have become a nasty situation speaks volumes to both of your
characters and that's A Good Thing.



On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Dan Creswell <dan.cresw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > This is an important issue to address.  I know a lot of people here
> >> probably don't participate on the Concurrency-interest mailing list that
> >> has a wide range of discussion about the JLS vs the JMM and what the JIT
> >> compilers actually do to code these days.
> >>
> > ...
> >
> > I used to be a concurrency expert, but have not been following the topic
> > recently. For practical Java coding, I have tended to follow the ideas
> > in Java Concurrency in Practice. Do any of the changes invalidate that
> > approach?
> >
> >
> No, they don't. The JMM hasn't really changed since the work Doug Lea did
> for Java 5 and beyond. What has changed over time is the amount typical
> JITs exploit the opportunities presented by the JMM for aggressive
> instruction re-ordering etc.
> If your code "does the right things" it'll be fine. It just potentially
> runs better (it could actually run worse in some cases). If you've
> misunderstood JMM or how it relates to JLS then you may have problems.

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